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About Us

We all have a story. The greatest ones are not perfect, they are embraced and never given up on. Such is our story. It has been beautiful and challenging and everything in between. We believe stories are meant to be shared. The light and the growth that we experience in our own stories are meant to be guides for others on their journey.

Coupled with a Master's degree in Professional Counseling, extensive post-graduate training in trauma recovery, anxiety, anger management, and relationship coaching, Travis and Regenea embrace their stories with others through a passion to see

limiting beliefs turned into limitless potential.

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Who we work with

* You often feel stuck in life. It seems things never go your way.

* You sometimes struggle in relationships with others (and your self).

* You are tired of dealing with anxiety, stress, and emotional issues.

You have hopes and dreams, but something is keeping you from them.

We work with anyone ready to discover what limiting beliefs may be keeping them from joy and peace, healthy relationships, and experiencing fullness in their life and career goals.

We use a proven approach called

Mindful Awareness & Narrative Integration (MANI)

to help you turn your limiting beliefs into limitless potential. It is an effective blend of CBT and other therapeutic modalities coupled with the process learned through my own journey of freedom, healing, and growth. We would love to journey with you.

Who we are

We have been married for 34 years and are blessed with two amazing children. Amanda works in HR in a local hospital and Joshua is a teacher. We have also been blessed to have had a part in sharing our home and our lives with 27 foster girls and almost 100 international students. We live in East Texas surrounded by friends, family, our dogs and cats, and a myriad of other creatures we love to feed and commune with. Yes, we are big animal lovers.

I (Travis) am a Professional Life Coach, Trauma Recovery Specialist, and Narrative Integrator. I have a Master's Degree in Professional Counseling and extensive post-grad training in trauma recovery, anxiety, self-esteem, relationship issues, and mental health struggles. Regenea is a Certified Life Coach and sees clients individually and together with me when she isn't loving on international students at a great school near us. She has the gift of connecting with others and finding profound life lessons in the simple experiences of life. We love to embrace our story with others, from the mountains and the valleys we have overcome, through our shared passion to see others discover their limitless potential in life.





True interest in helping

When I reached out for guidance with my adult autistic son that is very high functioning but has anxiety and social awkwardness issues. Travis reached back and hasn’t stopped since. Supportive, compassionate Travis has taken the time to form a genuine interest & trusting relationship with my son. Travis just does not sit in the office but goes out in the field with my son to observe behavior & interactions with others… he coaches him, role playing and challenges my son in many ways for successful results. I could not ask for a better person that will help my son build his confidence so he can thrive and be successful not only in personal life but in his career as well. Travis warms your heart with his smile along with a true interest in helping to achieve goals.
I am one very grateful mom.


A Confidant and

a Teacher

“Travis helped me understand that the voices of negativity and self-doubt only have the power that I give them. Now if I feel lonely and notice anxiety, low self-esteem, lust, jealousy, or fear creeping into my mental realm, I can call them out, learn why they’re there, and cast them out. More than anything, Travis reminded me that even in the hard times, I have a wonderful life full of friends and good experiences, and that I can’t let anything get in the way of seeing that. In Travis, I found a confidant and a teacher, but also a friend.”


Not Ruled by

the Chaos

My oldest daughter has been struggling with mental illness and we have struggled to get her the help she needed. It has been painful to watch my daughter’s life spiral out of control and see the toll it has taken on my family. Travis and Regenea helped me to see that I was not to blame for my daughter’s choices and that I was fulfilling my duties as her mother in trying to help her recover. They helped me understand the value of self-care and having a life not defined by the chaos our family is living through.

"Our internal narrative will determine our external direction. Trade in your limiting beliefs for limitless potential. You deserve it." - Travis M White

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